Did you know ?

Every day, almost 306.4 billion emails are sent worldwide (Source: Statista). 

Is your campaign one of them? Try to optimize its opening rate!

1/ Do everything to ensure that your email campaign is received

To ensure that your campaign is delivered, the subject line should be short.

Content plays a role in the reception of your emails. A short, clear and understandable content for all is to be preferred. The idea is to give precise information about your event. 

It is also advisable to include nominative values, such as the name of the recipient, in the subject line as well as in your e-mail. This will prevent your campaign from being considered as spam and thus ensure good deliverability. 

For more information on email deliverability, we recommend that you consult this article.

Once your email is received, there is only one objective: being opened!

2/ Do everything possible to ensure that your email campaign is opened

To ensure a maximum number of opens, the subject of your campaign must highlight the most interesting aspects of your event with a catchy subject. Knowing that on average, each French person receives 30 emails per day, make sure your campaign stands out from the crowd (Source: Mondedumail)! 

Moreover, emails with a personalized subject have an opening rate of over 50% (Source: Oberlo)! 

Integrating nominative values, such as the recipient's name, makes the recipient feel unique and thus encourages them to open the email received. 

We recommend, for example, that you use the following subject line:

Subject line : *|FIRSTNAME|*  *|NAME|*, your invitation to [Name of the event]

3/ Do everything to ensure that your campaign generates clicks

To get as many clicks as possible, the content of the email must be both exciting and informative.

In order to generate clicks on your buttons, we recommend that they are placed as high up as possible in your campaign and that they are short and precise in their titles.  

For example, for an invitation campaign, we recommend that you state

- Why guests should attend your event

- When and where your event will take place

- What exactly you expect them to do in the email

The layout of your campaign is important. To ensure consistency, make sure you use your design and space your text.

Using your graphic guidelines allows the recipients of your campaign to recognize your company/brand. 

Our advice: 

- In order to capture the maximum number of people, do not hesitate, for example, to name a well-known speaker or lecturer, who will arouse the interest of participants.

- Include an authenticated link that goes directly to the registration form to make it easier for participants to register and maximize the conversion rate of your campaign.

For more information on authenticated links, please see this article

- Including your logo and social media links in the footer will help to showcase your brand and contribute to its reach by gaining new subscribers.

- Create a clear and short campaign so the recipient doesn't have to scroll down too much to get the information they need.

To give you an example to follow, here is a typical invitation:

You can also find an example of a Save the date: