When you create your event site, it is important to choose the language. 

Many buttons and links that are part of the templates will be translated automatically. By default, your site is in one language only.

  1. To choose the language of your site, go to General event settings > Information > Main language of participants.
  2. The multilingual option is also available: your site will, therefore, be in several languages. Talk to your sales representative if you wish to subscribe to it. You will be able to translate your site into different languages. Once the option is activated with your sales representative, to add a translation go to Event website > Multilingual > Add a translation.

For the two cases above the available languages are the following ones:

  • French
  • English
  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • Dutch
  • Portuguese
  • Poles
  • Japanese
  • Bulgarian
  • Slovak
  • Romanian
  • Latvian
  • Hungarian

If you would like to add another language, please contact our support team by clicking on the (?) button at the top right of your screen.

If you have chosen the multilingual option to translate your site:

You can directly fill in the translation of certain elements, such as the name of your site, the title of your pages, the form fields...

For all the content of your site on your different pages, you will have to go to the pages of your site, then click on the button

You will find it in the top right corner, switch to the desired language, and fill your site with your own translation.

You can independently change the language of your account (My Account section on the top right of your Digitevent Back-Office).


The program is not translatable.